• Digital Transformation

Views of ERT on the Regulation of Foundation Models in the AI Act

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Brussels, 24 November 2023: As the negotiations on the European AI Act approach their conclusion, the European Round Table for Industry (ERT) has shared its views in a letter to the EU co-legislators.

If embraced responsibly, AI technologies offer European industrial players a significant opportunity to improve their innovation, productivity and growth, and will also bring considerable benefits to society. On the other hand, legal uncertainty and overregulation will harm innovation and competitiveness in the long run.

In this context, ERT expresses its concerns about the recent proposals discussed by the co-legislators regarding the regulation of Foundation Models and General Purpose AI (GPAI). It is critical to safeguard technology neutrality, as in the original risk-based approach of the AI Act, and to carefully consult with relevant stakeholders from civil society and industry to ensure a balanced and innovation-friendly regulatory framework.