• Securing Europe’s Place in a new world order

Joint Statement by ERT and UBTA

Download the signed statement.

Joining forces to help the Ukrainian economy.


As the war in Ukraine nears its third month, the grim reality of death and destruction casts a dark shadow across the country of 40-million people, as well as Europe and the wider world. The extensive damage to civilian infrastructure, food supplies and commercial stocks is rapidly stretching the ability of Ukrainian businesses to maintain access of Ukrainian citizens to food and primary necessities, retain jobs and pay taxes. In the medium to long term, this situation also jeopardises global food security in the Middle East, Africa, and other regions traditionally dependent on inexpensive and plentiful agri-food supplies from Ukraine.

In the statement from March 1, 2022 following the European Round Table for Industry (ERT) meeting with President Macron, Chancellor Scholz, President von der Leyen and President Michel, the Members of ERT pledged solidarity with the people of Ukraine and support to help them withstand the deprivations of war.

It is key that leaders of European and international businesses continue to join forces with their Ukrainian colleagues and contribute to shaping the future of Ukraine, which is linked to the future of Europe.

Specifically, ERT and UBTA members call upon EU institutions, governments and European business associations to:

  • consider ways to enhance EU market access and to facilitate transit to third markets for select categories of the Ukrainian export products, including the agrifood sector, iron and steel, and electricity. This will help sustain a resilient Ukrainian economy through export revenues in the medium to long term, and safeguard global food security and the needs of European processing industries and consumers;
  • support initiatives of direct financial support to Ukrainian enterprises engaged in manufacturing and delivery of at least part of their products as humanitarian assistance to local communities devastated by the war. UBTA has developed such an initiative and invites representatives of the European financial and business community to contribute;
  • provide training and job opportunities to refugees fleeing the conflict, settling elsewhere: and
  • step up contributions to humanitarian assistance to Ukraine run by the UNHCR, CARITAS Europa and other international humanitarian and relief organizations in close coordination with the Ukrainian authorities.

The Members of ERT and UBTA believe that these and other efforts of the European and international business community can make a crucial contribution to sustaining the Ukrainian economy and helping Ukraine and its people at this time.