• Jobs, Skills & Impact

European business leaders commit to inclusion and diversity pledge

A press release is available


More than fifty business leaders of some of Europe’s largest companies have today signed up to the first pan-European commitment of its kind, to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

This pledge highlights the support of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) for ‘inclusive growth’. Tapping the full measure of talent from across society is critical for the long-term success of people, companies and society. By recognizing this, the ERT affirms the value that a diverse workforce can offer.

This landmark pledge forms part of the wider #EmbraceDifference campaign that has been created by the ERT.

website (embracedifference.ert.eu) for this campaign was launched alongside the pledge today. The personal statements from leading businesspersons and stories on the website, showcase their commitment to inclusion and the positive impact it can have. These CEOs and Chairmen represent a broad array of European businesses including pharmaceutics, steel, chemistry, technology and more.

The ERT are proud to be in the vanguard of supporting diversity in the workplace, and this pledge marks the beginning of a long-lasting campaign to promote inclusion and diversity in businesses throughout Europe.