Renewing the dynamic of European integration

It's time to deepen the Single Market

Welcome to this section about the Single Market – in which we share information, analysis and recommendations from ERT’s campaign to deepen the Single Market.

Explore the Single Market Stories Now

In calling for the completion of the Single Market, ERT has gathered specified examples of inefficiences to the free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the Single Market. Explore these Single Market Stories – each by a different corporate leader in ERT – to get a picture of challenges and opportunities that can be addressed.

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Read Pascal Lamy's Foreword to our 2022 Single Market Stories publication

“Obstacles and obsolete restrictions persist while immense challenges are knocking at our door. Let us vigorously resume the task of deepening our internal market with the new tools suited to the economy of tomorrow. It is there that we will find, as Jacques Delors did 30 years ago, a source of job growth and renewed progress.”

A photo of Pascal Lamy, Institut Jacques Delors

Pascal Lamy, Institut Jacques Delors

Honorary President of the Institut Jacques Delors Former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, former European Commissioner, and former Head of Cabinet of European Commission President Jacques Delors (1985-1995)

Executive summary and key recommendations

The challenges the EU faces require a deeper Single Market

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