ERT Position on the Regulatory Framework for 5G
If Europe is to achieve the European Commission’s ambition of becoming “fit for the digital age”, ERT believes that faster and more effective action is needed, to drive digital transformation and overcome hurdles in infrastructure, regulation and skills.
One of the recommendations outlined in the ERT Industrial Strategy paper Turning Global Challenges into Opportunities: A Chance from Europe to Lead is the development a coordinated European deal to roll out 5G infrastructure across the continent. In this ERT Position Paper, we further articulate our position on the Regulatory Framework for 5G including cost of spectrum, deployment and operation.
Success in 5G will undoubtedly be a driver of economic leadership in the decade ahead, yet the forecasted figure of 30% for 5G penetration in Europe in 2025 is well behind those US, Japan and China (50%, 49% and 36% respectively). If European efforts to boost that are to gain momentum, we at ERT believe that a regulatory framework for 5G that incentivises investment and implementation is critical. A quick and consistent approach to 5G implementation is a vital part of the competitiveness equation for European industry as well as a prerequisite to deliver the Green deal. A harmonised approach for 5G spectrum, assignment and operation is essential to ensuring availability on a pan-European scale and that also needs to go hand-in-hand with something equally important - instilling trust in 5G.