• Securing Europe’s Place in a New World Order

ERT delegation visits Poland, meets with Ministers Domanski and Paszyk

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Warsaw, 21 February 2025: With Poland currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union until July, a delegation from the European Round Table for Industry (ERT), led by ERT Chair Jean-François van Boxmeer, visited Warsaw today for meetings with Andrzej Domański, Minister for Finance and Krzysztof Paszyk, Minister of Economic Development and Technology.

These meetings are part of a longstanding tradition of ERT leadership meeting with governments either before or during their six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The purpose is for ERT to better understand the government’s priorities for their Presidency and discuss the best ways to empower a renewed long-term competitive strategy for Europe.

As the cross-sectoral high-level forum for CEOs & Chairs, ERT gathers leaders from many of Europe’s most significant industrial and technology companies. Its Members are committed to the European project and the peace and prosperity that the EU has provided for numerous decades.

Exchanges focused on the following priority areas:

  • The soon-to-released Clean Industrial Deal, Simplification Omnibus Regulation to be adopted by the Commission and presented to Council.
  • Strengthening Europe – Competitiveness & the Single Market*. ERT is a vocal advocate for the EU Single Market as a unique source of prosperity and resilience. Exchange on priorities for Europe’s competitiveness and strategic positioning with Poland’s political leadership as follow up to the Budapest Declaration with a view to implementing the Draghi & Letta Reports.
  • The long term outlook for the upcoming discussions on the next EU Budget (Multiannual Financial Framework 2028-34).
  • The urgency with which Europe needs to massively invest in its defence capabilities and defence industrial base, and how Poland’s strong record and leadership can accelerate momentum across the EU.
  • How Dual Use R&D&I can be harnessed more effectively to push ahead technological advancement within the defence sector, as well as promote the resilience and competitiveness of the EU’s civil industries.


Note to Editors:

* More information on ERT’s Single Market campaign can be found here: https://ert.eu/single-market. See in particular the Compendium and Technical Study.

** Link to the Competitiveness Council conclusions related to the Single Market: https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-10298-2024-INIT/en/pdf.

° Link to energy publications (competitiveness of energy-intensive industries & energy infrastructure): https://ert.eu/documents/energy2024/.

A full list of the membership of ERT is accessible here.