Ensuring supply to several industries with paints and coatings to be used for medical purposes (ventilators, medical equipment, hospital beds etc), construction (hospitals), coatings for food and beverages cans. Additional support for healthcare projects in India and China.
Villagers living near Bangalore are receiving initial screening for COVID-19 through an existing e-health initiative which had been set up as part of the company’s AkzoNobel Cares program. Following the outbreak, the focus of the community healthcare project was changed to help tackle the virus. More than 1,000 people have been tested to date.
When Chinese authorities announced they were about to rapidly construct a hospital in Yinchuan – AkzoNobel moved quickly to donate 450 tins of Dulux Pro interior emulsion during the early days of the project. It helped to ensure that the new buildings could be completed on time (in just 15 days) as part of an urgent local response to the COVID-19 outbreak.