• Competitiveness & Innovation

ERT’s vision for the Clean Industrial Deal

Download the full publication of ERT's vision for the Clean Industrial Deal here

In this extensive position paper, the European Round Table for Industry articulates its views on the various facets of policymaking that need to go into the Clean Industrial Deal. This encompasses circularity, energy-intensive industries, energy generation and distribution and projects of common European interest.

ERT’s core recommendations are:

1 .Go For Scale: put circularity alongside decarbonisation at the centre of the Clean Industrial Deal: break the ‘deadlock’ holding back Europe’s circular economy from scaling up, provide business cases for new key technologies, and reduce unhealthy dependencies in areas like Critical Raw Materials.

2 . Back Critical Industries: by providing financial support to retain Europe’s energy-intensive industries & value chains, to bridge the time needed for Europe to decarbonise & electrify, build-up sufficient supply of affordable renewables and low-carbon energy³. The defence & security imperative only serves to reinforce this.

3 . Keep it simple: commit to a moratorium on administrative burden so Europe’s industries can free up capacity to creating real value, deliver state-of-the art solutions to Europe’s challenges and compete globally.

4 . Embrace risk: the precondition for growth: by providing a European path to enabling private sector investment in high risk/high return investments in Europe’s emerging companies ending the decade old wait to create deeper capital and debt markets.

Download the full publication here.